The pundits who think that guns are unsafe and that guns cause unnecessary waste of life really need to re-think their opinions. Seeing innocent people die at the hands of thugs and criminals in the streets, over and over again, is more than enough to justify the arming of citizens. If a person contemplating committing a crime, had to think twice not knowing whether or not the intended victim was armed perhaps it could serve as a real deterrent.
I know that a person has the right and actually can obtain a permit to carry. But, unfortunately because the issue of permits are stringent and are long difficult processes, many citizens just simply skip getting themselves one.
Proper training and qualification plus a real understanding of just what is and is not self defense is all part of arming oneself to protect against criminals. Keeping yourself and your family or perhaps even another person from becoming a victim could be furthered by more, not less, guns on the streets of our cities.
With all the rhetoric on guns flying around these days, rational normal people have already seen and formed conclusions about the proper use of a weapon for defense. Our country was formed and is what it is today because of the use of firearms. I really wish that our Government was more concerned about viable ways to protect their people, than to waste time, effort and money on some of the other non sensible endeavors that they do.
NEWARK, New Jersey (Reuters) - Police on Monday were seeking a pair of suspected carjackers who shot to death a lawyer who was Christmas shopping with his wife at a high-end New Jersey mall and then fled in the couple's luxury SUV, prosecutors said.