Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oneida County Law Enforcement Coalition

I'm always happy to see our area Police Officer's honored. To be recognized for doing a good job holds more personal rewards than what any amount of money ever could. To be recognized for doing a job above and beyond that which is required fills a Police Officer's soul and makes every bit of the daily grind and routine work worth while.

I'm also moved to say how much I appreciate whoever it was that began the good endeavor of The Oneida County Law Enforcement Coalition, Thank You very much.

If you are a Police Officer and have never received commendations for your efforts or recognition for exceptional work, I encourage you not to let any negative thoughts into your heart or mind because of that. Your day "MAY" or "MAY NOT" ever come, however, be encouraged and do what's right and be inspired by those who do get recognition.

You don't always receive the proper recognition due you each and every time you do your job. There are always, always, other factors that enter the equation. Call me sometime if your puzzled by that statement and I'll explain it in further detail.

The point that's important here is that a Police Officer always needs to be able to look in the mirror and see someone who has done their best under the circumstances.

You may not realize it right now but, you are logging time in the Public Service of your community that you will re-live over and over in years to come. If you don't hear anything else here reading this blurb, then hear this. Don't ever, never do anything that you will not be proud of in the future. Always endeavor to do the very best for your self, your family, your brother officer's and your fellow citizens. I'm not talking about criminals and riff raft, they take care of themselves. I'm talking about the respectable law abiding citizens you never talk to but have taken an oath to protect and make possible a quality way of life they otherwise would not have without the UPD.

May the wind always be at your back and may all your good efforts be blessed in a mighty way by God Almighty. Keep up your good work.

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This is something I've always hid away on a shelf till just here resently. I took photos of them and am posting them on my site after...